This Theme was created by Greg 'Smeggy' Haywood email - I hope you like this desktop theme. It is freeware and you may do with it what you wish. If you want to visit my homepage , the URL is listed above. This zip file should contain the following files - RedDwarf hammond2.wav RDEmpty.bmp RDFull.bmp Red Dwarf smeg.wav RedDwarf 6nipples.wav RedDwarf Brown.wav RedDwarf Brutal.wav RedDwarf Bug1.ani RedDwarf confusin.wav RDBugLand.jpg RedDwarf happen.wav RedDwarf kipper.wav RedDwarf MyComp.bmp RedDwarf redalert.wav RedDwarf Toast1.ani RedDwarf toast2.wav RedDwarf wrong.wav readme.txt (This file) RedDwarf.Theme To install - 1. Unzip the contents on this file to your themes directory, usually - c:\program files\plus!\themes 2. Goto your start/settings/control panel/desktop themes , you should find one called RedDwarf , select this and away you go. Feel free to mail me any comments -only good ones though ;-) Happy 'Dwarfing Greg